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The image of career coaching visualization

Lifestyle Coaching, Career Coaching, and Mentorship—What Are They All About?

In the process of seeking guidance to address life challenges or career challenges in particular, you may find yourself unsure about the best type of support to pursue. With many coaching options like lifestyle coaching, business coaching, relationship coaching, career coaching, or mentorship available, you need to determine which path will best serve your goals […]

The image of the Personal SWOT Analysis exercise on the Amy platform

Personal SWOT Analysis: How to Identify Strengths and Weaknesses for Career Growth

The SWOT analysis defines your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT helps you understand your capabilities and areas for development. And uncover your superpowers! On top of that, you will be prepared for obstacles. Identifying threats lets you strategize solutions in advance and cope with a clearer vision. This technique is valuable at any career […]

The image of a man combining two careers.

Why Should Your Career Match Your Lifestyle?

We are used to how careers define our lifestyles and commonly look for a job with a decent salary and matching skills, ignoring the schedule. Even though work formats have evolved with technologies, we still wonder if our style of living is worth shaping job choices and not the other way around. “Isn’t it risky?” […]

The image shows a woman with notes and the text: assess, improve, and navigate in terms of career.

How Career Coaching Can Change Your Life Today

“If you aren’t happy at work, you aren’t happy at life,” they say. Whether this is true for you is a personal decision. While a job might not be the main source of happiness, it’s often necessary for a fulfilling life. Even more—an occupation can align with the individual’s passions and bring a sense of […]